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Emergency Measures


If you live alone, are frail or liable to fall, or had previous strokes or heart attacks, you may want to consider getting a medical alert system. These systems come in the form of necklace buttons and bracelets. Investigate the different systems, the services provided, cancellation policies, and cost before choosing one. Advertisements for these devices often appear in the AARP magazines.


If you had previous strokes or heart attacks, you may wish not to be resuscitated next time. You can ask your physician for a Physician’s Order for Life Saving Treatment (POLST) and post it at a very visible location in the house. Some fire departments provide a free orange container with the POLST form that you can have your physician fill out. They will tell you where to keep the container (e.g., refrigerator door). First Responders will look for and honor the POLST. Please check with your attorney for the difference between POLST and Medical Directive or Living Will discussed under Estate Planning.



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